Don't You Just Hate Driving In Snow As You Feel You're About To Skid Every Time

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In the UK, when it snows everything grinds to a halt; the local authorities just don't know how to cope. Every year they promise that the following year they will plan better to aid motorists and passengers who need to use public transport but they never do. This year we have had snow twice - first in February and again in December. Local authorities are still short of grit for the roads and salt for the pavements.

What does snow mean for motorists?

When you listen to the radio and watch local news in the morning, they do not advise you to leave the house or go on unnecessary journeys but does this include work? People who don't make it into work are often penalised when they eventually make it, so what happens if you are involved in an accident whilst driving in snow?

Claiming on your car insurance for accidents caused by snow

The South of England doesn't get a lot of snow but when it does, accidents are bound to happen. So if you are involved in an accident that was brought on by snow, are you liable? If you have fully comprehensive car insurance policy, then accidents that occur due to snow and ice are covered. You will lose your no claims bonus as a result of putting in a claim. If negligence not arising from you can be proved, then your claim will be successful and you will not lose your no claims bonus.

If your engine does not start or you have a breakdown, then you should call your breakdown provider as your insurance company will not help you as it's not covered unless of course you have breakdown cover with the same company.

Insurance companies do ask that you don't travel unless you have to and if you have an accident whilst driving into work, then this is at your own risk. In some cases you can win the case if it wasn't your fault but by claiming through your insurers it may cost you more and settling it yourself is most of the time much cheaper. You might lose your no claims discount and your insurance may go up the following year. So it is better to make a claim if you absolutely need to.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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