Being a young driver does not mean you will not be able to afford car insurance

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The pride about having your own car and being able to drive can be attributed to the fact that it shows a certain level of independence. This is why most young people tend to learn how to drive at the age of 17, which is the minimum age requirement by law. After much determination, they manage to pass their driving test hoping they've overcome the only obstacle between them and driving. This is when they find out that young drivers' car insurance is rather expensive and it is yet another hurdle for them to overcome.

Of course, this reality presents itself when the young driver obtains his/her first quote for car insurance. With much disappointment, frantic searches are then carried out in the hope that the 1st quote was a mistake. Once the truth has settled (after having received numerous quotes for higher than expected premiums), the young driver then acknowledges this fact and reluctantly sets out to find alternatives ways of getting cheaper car insurance.

Could there be a solution for young drivers to get their first car insured at an affordable price?

First ask yourself why you are being quoted these high insurance premiums. Simple answer - statistics have shown that you are in a group which is more likely to be involved in road accidents because of lack of driving experience. What can you do about it? Nothing, unfortunately.

Don't turn your back just yet though as there are other things which you can do to get cheap car insurance as a young driver. There is a list of insurance factors which is taken into account before you are given a quote. Number of years of driving experience is one but it is not the only one. You can help yourself by doing the Pass Plus course and selected companies will give you upto 35% discount on your quote for doing this. Yes, we know you just want to drive and you're done with learning. Put it this way, there's no test to take for the Pass Plus, so it's just a couple of hours more of driving for you. No test, no marking but the benefit of getting a much more affordable quote.

You can then opt for a car which belongs to the insurance group 1-15 since it will fall into the lower band for insurance and get it parked on your driveway overnight instead of off-street parking (or even better, put it in the garage). Safety is paramount and if you can show the insurer that you are keeping your vehicle safe, then the insurance company will reward you by giving you cheaper quotes.

The thing to remember is that car insurance for young drivers starts off as expensive but eventually goes down provided you keep a good driving record.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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