Pay No More Than Necessary And Get Insured For Just The One Day You Need It For

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With an increasing number of vehicles on the road, it has become more necessary than ever to drive with adequate car insurance in place just in case the unexpected and most dreaded thing happens while you're on the go - an accident! Of course, there are many situations where someone who needs to drive doesn't have the right insurance cover to do so and the need for one day car insurance thus arises.

For instance, a couple might decide to get insurance just for the husband because he's going to use the car for work and there wouldn't really be any need for the wife to be insured because that would just be a waste of money because the more people signing up for a car insurance policy, the more expensive it's going to be. However, the husband might fall ill and the wife would need to do the driving or the couple might decide to split driving long journeys between the two of them. Under these circumstances, it would be silly to get long term car insurance commitments.

There are many other situations where you may need car insurance for 1 day as well. You may decide to borrow a friend's car for an important trip or looking to test drive a car before actually buying it. There are endless circumstances where such a policy might come in handy. However, this type of short term car insurance is not available to everyone. This is because there are strict requirements which must be satisfied to be eligible for it.

Due to the nature of temporary insurance cover, it is very risky and therefore insurers insist that you need to be over 21 and have held a full driving licence for at least a year if you're seeking this kind of policy. The reason is that if you're 17 and you've just got your licence, you do not have enough driving experience and you're more likely to be involved in a car accident than other drivers. Now, from a business perspective, this is not good. If you were allowed to take a car insurance policy for just one day, you'd pay something less than £20 and the insurance company would need to pay out a considerable amount of money in return for your claim to repair damages and for compensation where needed. As you can see, it doesn't really work out in business terms because instead of making a profit, they'll be making a huge loss.

This said, you still need to find insurance cover if you want to drive because driving without insurance is illegal and there are severe penalties for doing so. So if you can't find an insurer to take you on, you should not drive at all or you should find someone else to do the driving on your behalf. You may get frustrated if you try all you can to get insured for one day to no avail and decide to try your luck driving with no cover but the stakes are too high to even think about it. The thing about life is that you never know what's round the corner and it might be something not pleasant and very ugly, so better take all the precautions you can.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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