Your Vehicle Has To Suit Your Requirements So If You Need It To Be Wheelchair Accessible So Be It

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Having a disability doesn’t mean you need to stay confined in the house nor does it mean you need to take public transport only. We know that buses have wheelchair ramps but there is not always space available to accommodate a wheelchair user. The same applies if you are a carer for a family member or an agency because having the right vehicle will help you tremendously. Many years ago there was very little choice, so wheelchair users had to buy or get around in minivans but if you do not need to be in the wheelchair all the time then there are other ‘wheelchair friendly’ vehicles out there.

Here are a few car manufacturers that make wheelchair accessible vehicles; Peugeot, Fiat, Renault, Citroën and Nissan. These are the most popular car makes when it comes to wheelchair users. Wheelchair compatible vehicles also have a choice of seating, meaning seats can be folded or the vehicle seating arrangements customised for your needs. They also come with ramps so that a wheelchair user can be wheeled in rather than them getting out and into the wheelchair again. These vehicles are mostly suited to those that have motorised wheelchairs as there is the space for them to ‘drive’ on themselves but that doesn’t mean a standard wheelchair user wouldn’t benefit from a specialised wheelchair vehicle.

Where to buy or rent such an adapted vehicle for a disabled person

Motability is still the number one place to go to if you need a vehicle to match your disability; you do not have to be a car driver as you can nominate someone to drive the vehicle for you. You can also get financial help from the government but will still need to meet the rest of the costs such as fuel and sometimes a big deposit. For a hire vehicle you do not need to worry about road tax or MOT as the cost of this is included.

Motability insurance can be taken with the car hire company but if you need a specialised quote, then you may need to an insurance company that specialises in wheelchair accessible vehicles or disabilities. You could also try going direct to the manufacturer to see if you can get a better deal as most places offer 0% finance options nowadays.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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