It's Not Just A Dog It's Your Canine Friend So Make Sure They Are Safe When Driving With Them

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Sometimes you have no choice but to travel with your dog in the car and though they are easier to look after than cats, there are still some important safety points to take into consideration. There is currently no law that requires dogs to be restrained if being transported in a car but you should always have your dog's best interest at heart.

You may have the cutest dog in the world but it's no excuse to have them hang out the window or sit in the passenger seat causing you to be distracted. Dogs should never cause a driver to take his attention off the road and the same goes for causing other drivers to be distracted by cooing over a cute dog. If you are driving with dogs, here are a few things to keep in mind to make the car journey safer and more enjoyable:

  • If you must travel with your pet dog, make sure they have adequate room to move around and stand up
  • Make sure they have eaten or have access to food if it is a long journey
  • Always make sure that dogs have enough water to keep them cool
  • Never leave a dog unattended in a car on a hot or even warm day

If you have an elderly dog, a dog that is infirm or a dog that is too large to carry, you may want to purchase a dog ramp so they can get in and out of the boot of the car themselves without the need to be picked up and transported. If you have an active dog that likes to look out the window or is just curious (as most of them are), you may want to get a dog car harness that attaches to the seat belt to make it a safer journey should you be involved in an accident.

Dog guards for the car

If you have an estate car and like to take your dog out with you, you may want to install a car dog guard so the dog can have the boot of the car for themselves but also peer up to see you and look out the window. They are cheap and easy to install and take down should you not need it any more.

Dog safety whilst in a vehicle should be taken seriously; just like passengers are obliged by law to wear a seat belt, dogs should also be kept safe when travelling and secured so they don't distract you as they may want to come to the front of the vehicle whilst you're driving.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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