Not All Roads Can Handle Your Vehicle Weight So Plan Your Route Well In Advance

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You may have noticed that there are places where weight restrictions to vehicles are applicable. If you drive an average car, chances are that you have not spotted places that have weight restrictions but if you were to drive a heavy vehicle, then you'd be more alert to these signs. Even a small tow truck attached to the rear end of a vehicle can cause a weight increase that can consequently deviate you through alternative route for safety reasons. Although height restrictions are more common, weight restrictions do still exist and depending on the weight of the vehicle, you may have to choose an alternative route that adds more miles to your journey.

Examples of restrictions imposed on vehicle weights

There is a whole range of reasons as to why a vehicle of a certain weight may cause problems, here are a few examples:

  • Prevents damage to roads, buildings and bridges
  • Reduces congestion on roads
  • Preserve the environment, character and amenities of an area
  • Prevents and reduces dangerous conditions to pedestrian and other road users

If you live in an area where HGV's (heavy goods vehicles) frequent and think they may pose a risk or danger to buildings, roads or structures, then you can contact your local council to find out the best way to enforce vehicle weight restrictions. Before a weight restriction is put in place, a risk assessment is carried out by a team of professional surveyors and if they deem an area to be at risk, only then will they start the process of implementing a weight restriction policy in affected areas.

As we all know, the most common place where a weight restriction may affect a vehicle is on a bridge, especially if the latter is not used to high traffic and over the average weight limit for a car. Usually upon arriving to a place or route where vehicle weight restrictions apply, there will be a sign telling you whether or not the vehicle you are driving is affected or not. If you cannot proceed due to the vehicle being too heavy, an alternative route will be shown as a diversion which you will have to follow.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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