Track Events Are Fun But Forgetting To Insure Yourself Could Make This Memorable In A Nightmarish Way

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Track day insurance can be purchased for sports cars and motorbikes of all types. One day insurance for a car can cost as little as £20. Most standard car insurance policies don't cover track days, and some companies won't insure drivers for these events, so you will need to shop around. Of course, if you don't purchase insurance for such events hoping that you are not going to get caught and you will not have an accident, then it's a huge gamble.

You can expect to pay between £100 and £300 for car insurance for a one or two day track event in the UK, or you could choose to insure yourself for a year, and this will work out cheaper than insuring your vehicle for separate events. It depends on how many track events you will take part in over a twelve month period.

What kind of cover can you get? Well that depends on the insurer, but you can expect to be covered for death and disability, for up to ten thousand pounds on a standard policy. This figure can be increased for a higher premium. You should also expect to be covered for personal liability, and this again normally, is for up to 2 million pounds. Legal costs can also be included in a policy, and you can expect insurers to cover you for up to 25 thousand pounds. If you are driving in an event outside the UK, you can be insured for medical expenses of up to 100,000 pounds and for Search and Rescue services of 50,000 pounds outside the UK and 10,000 in the UK.

You can find insurance companies that will offer you cover like this with a regular insurance policy, and this could be virtually free of charge, but in any case it would be cheaper, once again, than insuring your car for separate events, or by taking out another policy to cover you for track events.

If you are going to take part in track events abroad, you should also consider covering yourself for repatriation in the event of death or injury.

Race tracks are the only places that you can experience the thrill of taking your vehicle to the limits given the British road laws, and they have high safety standards. However accidents do occur, thankfully not that frequently, but for your own peace of mind, you really should take out a policy to cover you and your vehicle (as well as anybody else who gets injured) in the event of an unfortunate accident. The same holds true for bike and car events. As there are so many insurers to choose form, shop around to get the best deal on track day insurance and talk to an underwriter who will be able to offer you the best possible deal.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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