How To Secure Those Discounts On Driving Lessons When You're A Student

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As a student, you can enjoy many benefits in life such as discounted rail travel, discounts of clothes and films at the cinema and even free dental treatment. But did you know that you can also get discounted driving lessons too?

Most driving schools or independent instructors will offer a discount if you are a student. As long as you have proof that you're still studying, you can greatly benefit from it. In most cases an instructor will ask for your NUS card number as these are widely available if you are a college or university student. Don't worry if you are only a part time student doing a short course because you can get an official letter from your course provider which will entitle you to discounted driving lessons.

Can you really benefit from discounted driving lessons?

There are not many students who have wealthy parents who can offer to pay for your driving lessons so that's why having all these little discounts can really help a struggling student enjoy their independence. Driving lessons get more expensive every year that's why each year students are encourages to start learning as soon as they can as not only will they save money but younger student drivers are more likely to pass quicker and with fewer lessons too. Also new requirements are being brought in every so often such as 10 years ago the hazard perception test was not included as part of the theory test but now it is essential to pass before taking the practical driving test.

The average number of lessons needed before passing your driving test is now 40 so here is the difference with and without a student discount:
Discounted driving lessons (40) = £1,000
Normal driving lessons (40) = £1,080

This doesn't even include the fees for the theory test, practical test and books and CD's you will need to be able to pass the theory test. You will also need to pay for a provisional licence first to be able to get behind the wheel. Students do not have a lot of money and every penny that they can save makes a huge difference, so do not waste the chance of getting cheaper driving lessons when you're entitled to it.

There is never a right time to learn how to drive and the longer you leave it the more expensive it will get and the more extensive the whole process will be. If you have the chance to learn how to drive as a student then do it; ask for family and friends to contribute money as a present for your birthday so you won't have to dip into your student loan to pay for it and research all the offers and discounts that are available to students like yourself with driving schools/instructors before committing yourself.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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