Keep It Short And Sweet With Intensive Lessons Focused On Getting You That Driving Licence Fast

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If you don't want to wait for too long to get your driving licence, then you do have an option and that is to skip the regular driving course and enrol for intensive driving lessons. There are people who never thought that they would ever need a driving license. But, at some time in their life, they find the driving license very essential for them, may be because of their job requirements or may be because they moved in a place where private car is the only mode of conveyance. For such people too, intensive driving lessons are a very good option.

Why Up-Front Payment

These lessons require you to pay in advance and most often that advance fee is in the tune of a few hundred pounds. This is because such lessons are supposed to be completed by a learner in a pre-determined time-frame. If the learner doesn't learn enough to get a driving license, this time-frame may be extended further. The extended time-frame would require you paying additional charges. So, if a learner doesn't learn in the first attempt, he may vanish without paying the agreed fees and this is what made the course providers charge in advance.

How it is Different from Crash Course

Crash courses are completely different from intensive lessons, as a crash course is meant for those people who already know the basic principles of driving and have already driven for sometime. Crash course tries to improve the driving skill of such persons and make them fluent with their driving. Though it is also good to know a little about driving before getting into intensive driving lessons, it is not mandatory. Crash course doesn't give you ample time to learn everything as it is a brush up only, while the intensive lessons do give you enough time. However, intensive lessons need you to be focused all the time.

Things to Know

If you want to get the most out of your intensive driving course, you should do your homework on driving first before applying for the course. You should familiarise yourself with the Highway Code (road signs etc) so that you're not wasting time on the basics during the course. The intensive lessons usually take 2 weeks to complete with lessons taking place 5 days a week and each day of lessons could take up to 8 hours to complete. So, it is imperative to figure out if you are going to be available for entire duration of your lessons before committing yourself. Normally, you will learn your lessons on different roads in a different area from the one where you are currently living.

Just because intensive driving lessons are called intensive, it doesn't imply that they are meant to be a short-cut. You will be taught all the skills of driving, but in a more intense environment instead of a relaxed one when you sign up for general driving lessons.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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