Sure It's Convenient To Be Driving Abroad But Are You Complying With Their Local Laws

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As driving abroad becomes more popular and affordable, it's silly not to take advantage and hire a car even if it's only for a few days. Driving abroad is so popular that travel agents are now starting to offer tour packages that include the hire of a car. In most cases a map is provided but you can always request one if you are new to the place you are visiting. Also with technology getting better you can now get maps for most countries abroad for your satellite navigation systems and if you do not already own a sat nav, then most car hire companies abroad have the option to get it included as an added extra so you can be sure that you won't feel lost in a foreign country.

Is driving in a foreign country safe?

This is what many travellers ask but to be honest Europe is a pretty safe place to drive as most of the driving rules are pretty much the same as in England; the only difference may be that in some countries they drive on the left side of the road. Other than that, when you are going on holiday regardless whether you will be driving or not, it is advisable to do some reading on the current road laws and rules. For example some countries allow you to turn left even if the light is red and some also allow you to drive in the opposite lane to overtake if necessary. By doing some research before travelling, you can find out if it's a good idea to drive abroad and get a few opinions from people who have done so before.

Remember that some countries require that you have held your licence for a set period of time and are over a set minimum age; in some countries this may be 17 while in others it may be up to the age of 24. Some countries require that you have a first aid kit and two emergency triangles in the boot of the car in case of an emergency. You must comply with the local laws at all times and it's worth talking to the car hire company to make sure they supply you with these items, otherwise you will need to bring them with you. You should also check that your current insurance policy covers you for driving another vehicle abroad; if it doesn't you may have to pay for another separate policy so that if anything bad should happen, you are covered. Most hire companies abroad will offer you insurance but remember they will charge more and if you have an accident, the chances are the voluntary excess will be ridiculously high, so read carefully before signing the contract.

As popularity soars for travellers hiring a car whilst on holiday, it's good to have a list or an idea of the different places that are within driving range. Remember that driving whilst abroad is not at all like driving in your own home country because laws and rules vary, so make sure you comply with the laws of the country you're visiting at all times. If you can, purchase a map beforehand so you have peace of mind that when you land you are ready to go.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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