You Got Busted For Doing Drugs And Now You Need To Take A Mortgage To Afford Car Insurance

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Driving under the influence of drugs is dangerous and everybody knows that. If you've been lucky enough not to have been in a life-threatening accident but unfortunate enough to have been caught by the police, then another unpleasant surprise awaits you in the form of higher car insurance because of drug driving.

Taking illegal drugs is quite common among young people as it sets them in a party mood so that they can have more fun (or so they believe). It is good to have fun, look cool and integrate seamlessly with your peers but doing it with the help of something that can potentially destroy your life and others is not advisable. Once you get into the habit of using drugs at a young age, it will eventually turn into drug addiction in later years and possibly ruin your future.

As well as affecting your brain, drugs also have visual effects which are easily noticed. The biggest giveaway will be the eyes having dilated pupils. Of course, erratic driving will be the main thing that the police will be on the lookout for during the busy nights of clubbing and partying. However, once stopped, you will be asked to perform a few tests to determine whether you have taken illegal drugs prior to driving. Below are some common drug tests which are used:

  • Comparing your eyes to a pupil dilation card (Bigger pupils could be the result of drug use)
  • Counting from 1 to 30 (Drugs slow down your system and it will take you longer to count)
  • Walking straight
  • Balancing on one leg
  • Touching your nose with your eyes closed

Penalty for drug driving

Different drugs have different impacts on your nervous system. Cocaine and amphetamines will boost up your confidence level. Cannabis on the other hand will take your confidence away. The penalties for drug driving are the same as for drink driving, that is, a 12 months driving ban and a maximum fine of upto £5000.

Drug drive insurance premiums

If you've been convicted of drug driving, then you will find that your choices for insurance purposes are limited. Many insurers will refuse to quote you and those who do will do so at a very high rate. Your premiums could double if you have a drug conviction on your licence.

You will need to extensively research the market for the best car insurance deals if you have a DR80 conviction. You can forget about cheap car insurance but you can find an affordable premium if you go to specialist insurers which deal exclusively with convicted drivers.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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