You're Not Looking To Make Easy Money But What You Deserve In Settlement Because Of The Accident

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If you have ever been involved in an accident, you will know how time consuming it is and how hard it is to get the result you are looking for. If you are at fault and accept liability, then the claim can go through quickly without getting nasty but if no one accepts the blame, then it can drag on for years.

Sometimes you may be required to pay up for all costs relating to the damage caused to your car;. If you are found to be innocent, then the money will be refunded back to you afterwards. If you are unfortunate enough to have a high excess, then you will have no choice than to cough up and hope that you will someday recover the money. There are lawyers that can help you get half if not all of the money back, this is better than nothing if you had to fork out an excess of £600.

Other settlements that you may receive are ones that are caused by serious accidents caused by driving. For example if you were to be involved in an accident and you had a passenger with you, they can claim for compensation relating to trauma, injury and emotional distress. Unfortunately you cannot claim any compensation from your own insurers but you could pursue the person who caused the accident for other reasons.

Example of car accident settlements

A driver was driving along a dual motorway with his wife and two young sons when the car in front of him braked sharply causing him to crash into the back of it. The driver in front accepted fault and all details were exchanged but the children suffered emotional distress causing nightmares while the wife had slight shoulder pain. The children were awarded £1,300 each and the wife got £2,000 in the settlement.

You can get as much as £3,600 for a whiplash injury but you must go to A&E straight away if you are injured as they will also do a check on this to make sure you are not making it up. If you are unfortunate enough to have a serious injury that results in paralysis or severe disabilities, then the car accident settlement will be far higher depending on the circumstances. If you are not at fault, then the other party will have to pay the solicitor fees so don't worry about it.

There are also many accident injury lawyers that have been highly trained to get the best compensation settlement for you without you losing any of the settlement money. There have been many satisfied clients so it's worth doing some research before pursuing.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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