So They Talk About Equality And Then Women Get Cheaper Car Insurance

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As we all know women's car insurance has always been cheaper when compared to men. It has been said and proved that men are careless and impatient when they drive. The risk of a woman being involved in an accident is 15% while that of a man is at an alarming 85%; statistics show that women are safer drivers but they have just as many accidents as men.

Why is car insurance for women drivers so much cheaper then?

  • Men tend to drive a lot faster
  • Young male drivers are too cool to wear seatbelts (or so they think)
  • Men drive more because they have dates to go on
  • Young men are most likely to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Men are most likely to drive with an expired licence
  • With men earning more money than women, they are more likely to be able to afford faster cars

There are now more women drivers than there were 50 years ago so it won't be too long until preferential car insurance rates for women will be a thing of the past. For women who are married, they need not fear as statistics show that married men are calmer and safer drivers - maybe it's because the latter no longer need to chase other women anymore.

There are many car insurance companies which cater to women only nowadays. As they specialise in women drivers, the premiums are likely to cost 30% less than other standard insurers. It's therefore worth doing your research before agreeing to a quote as there are huge savings to be made out there.

Although we know that female drivers pay cheaper premiums, there are some factors which must be taken into consideration when thinking about the future. As driving lessons get more expensive, parents are shelling out for their teenagers to learn before driving gets more difficult and expensive. As a consequence, we have younger drivers passing everyday with the hope of a car as a present from mums and dads. Since new drivers are getting their licences much earlier on, the following have been found to cause accidents with women drivers too:

  • Gossiping on the phone with friends
  • Talking to their boyfriend whilst driving
  • Trying to apply makeup whilst driving
  • Checking out men while driving

As you have seen, women can be just as bad as men but until the statistics change, women will still enjoy getting the best car insurance deals for the time being.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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