Patrol trucks to clamp down on lorry drivers who don't obey the law

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When it comes to driving and flouting the law, lorry drivers are the worst offenders. Since the vehicles they drive are very high, standard patrol cars cannot be certain or see what is going on in the cab. This is how so many lorry and truck drivers get away with eating, drinking, using a mobile and reading a newspaper whilst driving.

A pilot scheme has been carried out in the West Midlands to see whether introducing marked patrol trucks would help in catching truckers who break the law. After proving successful, this new scheme is set to launch across the country to help make the highways safer. Some truckers have also been caught watching DVD's whilst behind the wheel and making serious judgement calls.

Of course accidents and collisions made by lorry drivers are not always their fault. There should be more educational material provided for drivers to ensure that they know how to drive safely. Most lorries have signs telling drivers behind them to keep their distance and to make sure that they can see the lorries mirrors because sometimes if you are too close they do not see you.

In the past, unmarked HGV's used by police have been more successful as unsuspecting lorry drivers just think it's another truck driver. So introducing marked HGV's might just draw too much attention and stop truck drivers from misbehaving. At the end of the day if it works, then it works and it's about time that the police did something to crack down on those who break the law.

Now that police officers can see inside of the cab of large and tall vehicles such as lorries and horse boxes, we hope that serious and fatal injuries involving cars and cyclists will decrease dramatically as drivers start to obey the law.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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