Attending Business Meetings Is Your Thing And The Standard Car Insurance Policy Does Not Cut It For You

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The most common car insurance policy that most people buy offers protection for social, domestic, pleasure (SDP) use and commuting. This is enough for many of us as it also allows us to use the car to travel to work. The assumption here is that you have a fixed place of work and when you're working, your car is parked somewhere until you're ready to go back home. If you need to travel to other places as part of your job description, then you will need to have business car insurance as the traditional policy will not cover you for that.

Insuring your car for business use is important if you have to attend meetings at different places besides your normal office location. It is crucial that your insurance company knows about this because if you have an accident when you're going somewhere as part of your work and make a claim, the insurer may refuse to pay out when they find out you've been using your car for business travel. The reason for this is simple - a standard car insurance policy entitles you to take your car to work and back, go see friends and relatives, go shopping, travel to places of interests (eg zoo, museums) and other common activities and the premium you've paid for this has been assessed on the risk involved in doing these things but when you add travelling to other places during working hours to this list, the risk factor is increased and the premium you've paid no longer accommodate the risks. Hence business car insurance is needed and your premium increased to reflect the added level of cover.

Any idea how I can get cheap business car insurance?

To be fairly honest, the quote that you will receive will depend entirely on how you intend to use your vehicle for business purposes. It may not necessarily be expensive like many think. There are 3 types of policies available for business use:

Occasional business use - for people who are based at a fixed location most of the time but require to travel to other business premises as part of their job description
Business use - when a vehicle needs to be driven by all drivers listed on the policy for business purposes
Commercial business use - if you use your vehicle extensively for business reasons (eg salesman), then this is for you

As you probably know, the quote that you receive is based on the risk involved in insuring you and if you show that the risk is minimal, then you will definitely receive the cheapest quote. If you know you're going to do short distances in relation to business travel, then you can limit your mileage and it will save you money. Parking in secure places when going to meetings or other business purposes will see a reduction in the quote as well. Business car insurance should not be overlooked if it forms an essential part of your work, so make sure you have the adequate level of cover for your circumstances.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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